fredag den 3. oktober 2008

Short update

Everything's fine here...chaotic, but fine :). Our "earthly goods" are all gathered in the confirmand class room in one end of the vicarage, while the carpenter, smith, electrician, painter is at work in the rest of the house. I'm really thankful we can stay in my family's house in Haderslev for another fortnight...I think that will make it a lot easier for us, when we finally move into the vicarage in Gesten as a lot more will be finished by then.

Everyone has been absolutely kind and welcoming - I feel so inspired and happy with this new job already! My first service is Sunday, and I'm looking forward to it...afterwards there'll be a small lunch arranged by the church council taking place at the local school.

Samuel and Filippa started daycare and kindergarten today...only for about an hour, but indeed a very positive experience. I could hardly get Filippa to leave with me from the kindergarten, and Samuel's daycare mom was just perfect - kind, caring, wise, and with loads of experience - what a shame he has to change again in November, but Selma is retiring so there's not much to do about it. I'm sure the new daycare will be fine too though...

Henrik's been to Falster all day - he still has his storage room for his business there, so he has to go there every once in a while....I miss him, when he's away - but I guess that's a good thing after six years of marriage!

3 kommentarer:

Linn sagde ...

saa flott aa hoere at alt gaar bra! deilig at barnehagen ser bra ut ogsaa! haaper at haandtverkerne gjoer sitt, og dere kan komme "hjem" snart:)
stor klem

Nina sagde ...

I guess you are quite nervous about the first service on Sunday, are you? It's so great you feel so welcome and from everything you were telling so far, i am sure you will be quite happy with your new task and surrounding.
Btw, i am going to send you my letter soon. :-)

cessie sagde ...

Sounds promising! How did your first service go? And the lunch afterwards? I hope it all went well.
I'm glad the kids are having a good time as well... so important!
Good luck with the preparations of your new 'home' and the removal!