fredag den 26. september 2008

Going through memories...

Packing, packing, packing...going through old photos, old letters, old diaries - all sorts of memories arise from paper, pictures, and my words written by a previous "edition" of's a mental journey as well as a physcial one moving to another place - after all I've said about Stubbekøbing it is still the place where we had our kids; the place they first smiled, first babbled, where Filippa first walked, and Samuel first crawled :).

I wanted to share all kind of deep, sentimental ;) thoughts, but Samuel is busy ripping the computer and printer apart, so I'll just end it here and spare you!!! Being a mother is endless love and endless disturbing.

2 kommentarer:

Linn sagde ...

jeg kjenner til det med forstyrrelser og barn. oensker deg en masse lykke til i neste uke! saa flott at du har laget bolgg, det gjoer alt litt lettere! stooor klem fra meg

cessie sagde ...

Yes I agree, moving houses brings a lot of memories and emotions! It's interesting in a way! But exhausting too! Hope you will have a new happy home soon!